Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Australian and American Penpals 1938-1944

Sophistimunity Articles:

Have you ever had a pen pal? I'm not talking about someone you sent a few e-mails to. I'm not talking about someone you sent a few text messages to. I'm not talking about someone you once sent a Christmas card to.

I'm talking about someone half-way across the globe, just before a World War and well into that war - you continue to correspond. You are sent off to take part in that war while in her country she stays at home but is also plunged into the home front war.

Years later, or more appropriately decades later, you break open a foot locker. You scarcely recall what was inside. The key has long since been abandoned. You find her letters. You see what she has written and can scarcely recall what it was you wrote to her. Her words are your only clues. You recall how that correspondence was your first doorway into a new world and since that time you've have traveled the world, over and over again. And now you discover, it's been 65 years and you'd like to know 'what became of your pen friend."

Such is real mail, my friends. When you find a friend like that who during the dark time of war can pen eight pages for you and wait months and months for a response, you'll know that you have lived - time does not matter.

Find the story here and scroll down to the first and second articles: Old Penpal Search