Monday, December 7, 2009

Pics of the Pearl Harbor Memorial in Honolulu

Today is December, 7th. If you have any idea what that means in American history you might be interested in seeing this pics.

interesting link to Pearl Harbor Memorial in Hawaii

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Steps of My Life Series

All nine blogs in Bill Barchenger's series: Steps of My Life are up and worth reading, especially if you like to read about ordinary people going through life in an extraordinary way.

Look here on

Click to see the Steps of My Life Blog Series

Sleeping and Waking, Movie written by Chris Stezin

How about moving into the future 60 years and having your head transplanted onto someone else's body. Me, I'd choose a fellow with an Adonis shape and long-lived genes - assuming you'd take on those traits too.

Chris Stezin's Indie movie which is out now in select theaters is just such a story, minus the god-like body. He just imagines the struggles a person would have to endure to find out who he has become. Nice, gentle touch with characters who are real and not larger than life. Here's a link to a blog on it:

Click to see review of Sleeping and Waking by Chris Stezin

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Living Vicariously

It never ceases to amaze me how others always seem to have had such interesting experiences while my life seems so inextraordinary. I think perhaps that is life. But I must admit that I do enjoy living life in a vicarious manner.

Can you remember when you kept telling yourself that if you made it to 30, that would be an accomplishment? Well, I did. I made it. Now I'm wondering about 60, or heck, be daring in my not so daring life, and dare for 90. That would certainly be something.

I have a friend who is 88 and he absolutely is one of the coolest individuals I have ever met. Unlike all the Greenwich Village Wannabee's I have met, he didn't set out to be cool, and certainly never made any attempt to be avant garde or chic or something special. It just came his way by living life, having some curiosity and keep himself moving. He went through World War II and on to a multitude of cross-cultural experiences in places he lived such as Paris, Mexico, the Canary Islands, China, Japan, and Hawaii. still moving ahead today.

If you get a chance you can start here at his latest blog. He's up to nine blogs already, the other five will be posted again soon after a little redoing of the site. Remember, he's just an ordinary guy, moving forward, but every blog is full of surprises. Simply amazing!


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Surfing pics as winter sets in.

Are you interested in surfing? It's not hard if you start with a big board and small waves. Plus there are other benefits. It's a great way to meet people. EDITED on December 6, 2009. We're redoing the site. In the meantime, try these pics for example:

Sophistimunity Pics from Around the World

See the Hawaii Categories for more:

Active Women of Waikiki in Honolulu

As well, there are pics from around the USA and Japan, China, and other places.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Australian and American Penpals 1938-1944

Sophistimunity Articles:

Have you ever had a pen pal? I'm not talking about someone you sent a few e-mails to. I'm not talking about someone you sent a few text messages to. I'm not talking about someone you once sent a Christmas card to.

I'm talking about someone half-way across the globe, just before a World War and well into that war - you continue to correspond. You are sent off to take part in that war while in her country she stays at home but is also plunged into the home front war.

Years later, or more appropriately decades later, you break open a foot locker. You scarcely recall what was inside. The key has long since been abandoned. You find her letters. You see what she has written and can scarcely recall what it was you wrote to her. Her words are your only clues. You recall how that correspondence was your first doorway into a new world and since that time you've have traveled the world, over and over again. And now you discover, it's been 65 years and you'd like to know 'what became of your pen friend."

Such is real mail, my friends. When you find a friend like that who during the dark time of war can pen eight pages for you and wait months and months for a response, you'll know that you have lived - time does not matter.

Find the story here and scroll down to the first and second articles: Old Penpal Search